Tag: institutional advertising

Why is the Honolulu Star Advertising Effectiveness Index so low?

The Honolulu Star is a local newspaper with an online circulation of 2.4 million.The newspaper publishes articles that reach thousands of readers each week.The Star is part of the Honolulu Business Journal, which has a circulation of about 3 million.According to Nielsen, the Star has an average of 11,000 unique visitors per day, and an…

Why Are There Still A Lot Of Books With No Title And No ISBN?

By now you should be able to see that this article has been a long time coming.If you have been following my blog, you will know that I have been on a book-selling spree recently.The last few months have been particularly exciting, and the reason for this is that I’ve been having a lot of…

When is a Car Wrap ad effective?

The Australian Advertising Standards Authority (AASA) is taking the position that advertising campaigns for car wrap are not effective, despite a recent report finding that the technology has been used successfully in some of Australia’s most prominent retail brands.Advertisers across Australia have been forced to scrap car wraps as a way of reducing the number…

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