Tag: direct response advertising

How health ads are targeting patients with cancer

Health advertising companies are targeting people with cancer with direct response ads that target specific patients, including those who have had a positive diagnosis, a study has found.Ads placed by the ad networks for direct response are targeting the patients who are likely to respond to the message, and the results are often encouraging, the…

How to spot fake social media ads

The new rules in place by Congress to combat online ads that promote terrorism, hate speech, or other inflammatory content may have gone a long way in preventing more ads like the one featured by a prominent right-wing media group on CNN.But the Trump administration’s latest directive could do even more damage to the public’s…

What are you doing to get more organic traffic?

Direct response advertising (DRO) is a marketing technique that uses links and social media to reach consumers who are not necessarily interested in reading a site’s site content.This technique has become very popular recently as companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon have launched campaigns on their own platforms and even on other platforms that have…

Which ads are the most profitable for Google?

We often use the phrase “most profitable” to describe how well an advertiser is doing, but it is unclear whether this metric has much meaning.While the top 20 most profitable advertising campaigns are almost evenly split between Google and the other big ad networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Disney, ESPN, Fox, CBS), they also include a…

Google AdWords: Where’s my ad revenue going?

The Google ad platform has been getting a lot of flack recently over how it allocates its advertising dollars.Now, according to the company’s own statistics, Google Adwords has lost nearly $20 billion in revenue in the past six months alone.But the numbers aren’t all bad.The company’s revenue from direct response advertising has risen to more…

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