Tag: advertising executive

How you can use Facebook to advertise on local TV and radio: Facebook

When you want to advertise in your community, you’ll need to build a local Facebook page.You’ll need the Facebook advertising platform to post a photo or video, and you’ll also need to create an account and follow a few rules.Here’s how to use Facebook ads on local television and radio in your state.1.Post your ad…

Advertising execs in Silicon Valley worried about new restrictions

Advertisers in Silicon Hill are expressing alarm over new rules for online advertising that have become the focus of fierce lobbying by tech giants such as Facebook and Google.A group of more than 1,000 industry executives sent a letter Wednesday to the White House to ask the administration to reconsider the ban on paid digital…

When is a Car Wrap ad effective?

The Australian Advertising Standards Authority (AASA) is taking the position that advertising campaigns for car wrap are not effective, despite a recent report finding that the technology has been used successfully in some of Australia’s most prominent retail brands.Advertisers across Australia have been forced to scrap car wraps as a way of reducing the number…

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