Tag: in game advertising

When is the right time to use paid car ads in Australia?

The car industry is under intense scrutiny, and now the question is whether we should be using paid car advertising to promote our products or services.We’ve been using it for a while now to promote the latest cars and gadgets, but there’s a growing concern about whether it could be used to promote an agenda.The…

VIDEO ADVERTISING: Is your game getting enough video ad revenue?

Video advertising, which can make up a substantial portion of the game’s revenue, is gaining traction as a game’s primary revenue source.In fact, video advertising accounts for more than two-thirds of game revenues, according to industry data.But according to research firm eMarketer, the industry’s revenue grew just 3.5% from 2016 to 2017.That’s far below the…

Reddit: Advertising ad company ‘will never work with advertisers’

The ad agency who owns a popular ad network for the mobile games market has been taken to court by Reddit advertising firm Reddit Advertising for violating its terms of service.The suit filed on Wednesday alleges that the Reddit advertising service has violated antitrust laws by allowing advertisers to post ads on the platform without…

When a friend says you should have ‘discord’ server advertising

Posted November 03, 2018 09:08:04 When a player says “discord,” it’s a warning that they are having trouble logging in to their server and they’d like a chat partner to help them.It’s a way for players to let friends and co-workers know that they have a problem, and a way to tell them that a…

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