Tag: brazzers advertisement

How to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens without having to watch the trailers

Posted by Nick Brennan on March 14, 2018 09:57:01 The trailers have arrived, and with them a new trailer for Star Wars Episode VIII, the most recent in a series of big-screen adventures for the Star Wars universe.It’s been two years since George Lucas announced the new film trilogy with his first two movies: Episode…

Why Are There Still A Lot Of Books With No Title And No ISBN?

By now you should be able to see that this article has been a long time coming.If you have been following my blog, you will know that I have been on a book-selling spree recently.The last few months have been particularly exciting, and the reason for this is that I’ve been having a lot of…

How to Make Your Business Advertise on Your Favorite Social Network

We’ve all heard of the “don’t click” rule, but it’s also true that most of us have heard of a trick to bypass it: embedding ads into a story that you’ve written for your favorite social network.The trick?Find your favorite site and add the ad.The trick is a bit of a cheat, and there’s no…

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