Trump is making ads targeting the LGBTQ community look good. “McDonalds is doing it wrong. The ad has a big gay man, a gay man who is on the autism spectrum, and it’s really funny. That’s how we’re going to win in a lot of ways.” September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021 admin

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is a big fan of Kellyan, who has been a frequent critic of the candidate’s campaign.

“The president has been on TV in his commercials, and I think it’s important to watch the ads that Kellyan and Kellyan’s team are putting out, and we’re seeing them doing very well,” Conway said during a Monday press conference.

“I think he has an excellent team of people that are on his side.

They’re working really hard to get him elected.”

Donald Trump, wife Melania, daughter Ivanka, son-in-law Jared Kushner and son-of-trump-business partner Don Jr. hold hands as they walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2021.

(Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) In addition to the Kellyan campaign’s ad, Trump has also been using social media to push his own controversial ads.

“We’re going after Kellyan because she is so, so negative,” Trump told a group of business leaders at the G20 Summit on Saturday.

“She’s not going to be a problem for us.

We’re going in the right direction.”

The president’s social media team, however, has been struggling to push out the ads as well.

“In fact, the campaign has been forced to change its strategy, as they have not been able to get their ads on the air for some time,” the outlet wrote. 

On Monday, Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyann Conway, tweeted that she “had not heard of the Kellys.”

“I know that they do a great job on social media,” Conway told the New York Times.

“It’s not as important to me as it is to the American people.”

While Conway may have been speaking about her company’s social content, it’s likely that she is also referring to the president’s campaign’s social and advertising efforts.

In recent weeks, the Trump campaign has tried to capitalize on Trump’s popularity by using social and ad-free videos, with one of his favorite videos playing in the background. 

In a series of videos posted in the past few days, the president is also using his own video to blast Clinton, which has also become a popular strategy for the campaign. 

“I am proud to say that this week, our President Donald J. Trump will be releasing a new ad to go after Hillary Clinton and her dangerous plan to bring us into a war in Syria,” the ad reads.

“You know how bad it’s getting?

It’s getting worse and worse every day.”

Trump has also begun using social adverts to promote his own political agenda.

“This week I am rolling out a new campaign ad that highlights how I will be delivering results for the American workers,” he said in a video on Tuesday.

“Get ready for a revolution in America, and that’s how I’m going to get re-elected and to be the President for the rest of my life.” 

Trump also took a jab at Clinton in his video.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton, she wants to destroy the United States of America.

That means we have to fight to save our jobs and our businesses,” he says.

“And she wants our jobs back, and she wants a war to take our country back, she’s going to take us to war and to war in a way that I can’t stand.

And she wants us to be part of a globalist, socialist conspiracy that is destroying America.”

Trump’s campaign team also recently announced it was going to start paying workers $15 an hour to produce video ads for the White House.

The company behind the campaign, Vice President Mike Pence, was also seen using social to push the same message during his trip to Mexico last week.

“It’s our duty to take the people who will be our workers and the people in our country and help them do what they do best,” Pence said.

“Let them get paid for their hard work, and let them be proud of their heritage.”