Tag: advertising firm

When it comes to viral content, the US is at the bottom of the heap

When it came to viral video content, people from all over the world were looking at the US as the most dominant force in the field.That is, until Google announced a new rule on Thursday that banned sites from running their videos in countries where it is legal.The news comes in the wake of the…

How to get an ad that fits in with your brand

In an age of mass advertising, advertisers are keen to promote their brands in an efficient manner.However, in order to ensure their message is heard, it is important to ensure the ad is a fit for the brand.To achieve this, a brand needs to ensure it is appealing to the audience they aim to target.The…

Reddit: Advertising ad company ‘will never work with advertisers’

The ad agency who owns a popular ad network for the mobile games market has been taken to court by Reddit advertising firm Reddit Advertising for violating its terms of service.The suit filed on Wednesday alleges that the Reddit advertising service has violated antitrust laws by allowing advertisers to post ads on the platform without…

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