Tag: the advertiser

How to make your ads more relevant and engaging with the Facebook Ads platform

What’s in a headline?A headline is an interesting title.It tells the story and the intent of the ad, and is a way to introduce the advertiser to the ad.It can also help the advertiscer connect with the ad audience, and also make the ad more attractive to them.So why is the headline important?The headline is…

How to spot a deceptive advertising campaign

A new study from the University of Michigan and Columbia University has found that ads that appear to promote health benefits are actually deceptive and have the potential to lead to negative health outcomes.Researchers from the university’s School of Communication and Digital Media found that while the average consumer can see the ads on a…

How to use the new ad on MSNBC

By Megan McArdlePosted November 09, 2017 05:08:53With the election day in full swing and more than 40 million Americans tuned in to MSNBC for the second night in a row, the cable network has decided to start rolling out a new ad featuring some of the most powerful women in the country.The ad, titled “We’re…

Obama administration defends ad buying strategy in ad-buying fight

An administration official defended the administration’s strategy in a lawsuit filed by advertisers over their right to use photos in ads.The official told The Associated Press that the Obama administration will “continue to fight to keep ads truthful and fair” while also continuing to “protect and defend the First Amendment rights of our advertisers.”The Justice…

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