Tag: ppc advertising

The Most Unfair Games of 2016

The World Cup has been an amazing experience for millions of people worldwide, but it’s also had a cost.The games are played in places like India, South Africa, and Nigeria.Each time a country wins, the money that’s raised for the host nation ends up benefiting the host country’s economic development and development of the people…

When you think of ‘jul ad’, what comes to mind?

A number of ad agencies have responded to a series of consumer complaints about their online ads.Some have removed ads and others are looking to buy the company outright.Here are some of the companies that have been responding.Adobe, which has more than 20 million ad impressions across its ad products, has said it’s aware of…

How to use Adobe Flash Player to make an ad that targets a political candidate

By Michael Hennessey, Managing Editor, Breitbart News (Published Monday, March 1, 2019) When it comes to politics, ad buys have become a form of advertising.In the 2016 presidential race, for example, Donald Trump spent $2.3 billion on advertising through his campaign, which included $1.5 billion in TV spots, $800,000 of which was on a campaign…

후원 수준 및 혜택

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