Tag: discord advertising

What to do if you find your loved one’s corpse on a ship

On a recent trip to the Caribbean, I was reminded of my own journey, in which I became a passenger on a Carnival ship that left the port of Santo Domingo in October 1839.As a passenger, I learned that the ship was in a perilous position: a small, frail vessel, carrying just one crew member,…

How to make Snapchat a true local advertising service for Instagram

Snapchat, Instagram and Instagram’s Snapchat Ads are a global phenomenon.With an estimated 4 million daily users and a $100 million ad budget, they have become a big deal for the advertising world.But what if local advertising is possible?The answer is Snap’s Snap Ads. I started a Snapchat Ads team in April, and I recently learned a…

후원 수준 및 혜택

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