Tag: advertising internships

Why your company’s ads will be better if you use the right tools

In this post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of using ad networks to optimize your online advertising campaigns.The best ad networks for SEO purposes can help you optimize your site and increase its click-through rate.Let’s take a closer look.Ad networks are software programs that connect websites with advertisers.Ad networks are typically run by…

What is advertising?

Advertising is a highly complex profession, and one that’s only just beginning to get its footing.For starters, advertising is an industry, not a profession, says Mark Haddon, the head of advertising strategy at Ernst & Young Canada.The best example is car advertising. “The thing that’s really challenging about advertising is that we have a whole…

How to get an internship at your favourite fashion brand

With a few clicks of a mouse and the power of social media, you can land an internship with a fashion brand like Louis Vuitton or Calvin Klein.But what about a brand you’ve never heard of before?Do you have a knack for the business of fashion?This article aims to give you some tips on how…

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