How to spend $50 million on a movie that costs you $3 million and doesn’t even have an opening date September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021 admin

Posted April 11, 2019 14:16:49The film adaptation of The Hunger Games is currently in production in Australia, and is being marketed to the country with the help of a new advertisement, in which a young man explains that his parents are a bit late on their mortgage payments because of the film’s massive budget.

The advertisement shows a couple of shots of the couple’s home, and the tagline reads: “Don’t let the money get in the way.

Spend it all.”

The ad, which was created by advertising agency Pivotal and directed by Australian director Matthew DeAngelis, was posted on the company’s website earlier this week, along with a teaser that showed a shot of a family living in a small home with a big yard, a fridge and a TV.

“Our film has been very successful in the States, so why not make a movie here in Australia?”

DeAngeles told ABC News.

“You just have to be patient.”

The advertisement, which has been shared on social media by a number of social media users, is titled ‘Why don’t you buy a house?’ and has received over 1,000 shares on the social media platform.

“The film has a lot of appeal, especially in a market like Australia where a lot people have no choice but to get out of debt,” DeAngelises said.

“We’re really excited to be able to get our product out into the world and start spreading the word.”

The film’s budget is estimated at $4 million, and has already been made in China, India and the UK.

However, the Australian Film Institute (AFI) says the cost of producing the film has already exceeded the original budget of $3.5 million.

“We have made some pretty substantial investments in the film, so the fact that we’re going to have to pay so much more for it than we originally expected is something we’re really disappointed about,” AFI director of communications Scott Sattler told The Australian Financial Magazine.

“But at the same time, we’re doing our best to keep costs down and deliver on what we think the film is worth.”

The AFI estimates the film will gross between $15 million and $20 million in the market, which would make it one of the biggest movies in the world, according to the publication.

“There are a number people who have bought tickets and now are waiting for the opening,” Sattlers said.

“If you think about the amount of money that’s already been spent, there’s a pretty decent chance that the film could have made more than that.”

The Australian Film Industry Association (AFIA), which represents film production companies, has been working with DeAngelists on the ad.

“It’s great to see that people are looking to spend more on their films than they ever have,” AFIA president David Dyson said.

The film is currently scheduled to open in Australia on March 17.

The film will also screen at London’s Royal Court Theatre and New York’s Paramount.