What’s new in New Scientist September 21, 2021 September 21, 2021 admin

Advertisers can now accept payments via cryptocurrency.

We’ve got news for you, folks: this isn’t an internet meme, it’s actually news.

Advertiser platform CoinJoin has confirmed that the cryptocurrency bitcoin has been accepted by the New Scientist website.

The news follows on from the publication of a story on the rise of cryptocurrency in Australia, where a survey found that people were willing to pay for subscriptions in cryptocurrency.

The article also noted that CoinJoin’s announcement was welcomed by cryptocurrency developers.

Co-founder and chief executive officer Paul Gillett said the news was welcome news for people who were worried about a lack of regulation.

“Bitcoin has been used in some fashion to get around a lot of regulatory barriers,” he told ABC News.

Gillett added that the platform’s new payments platform was aimed at helping to drive innovation, not just in the cryptocurrency space.”

This is good news for them, and we’ll keep watching it.”

Gillett added that the platform’s new payments platform was aimed at helping to drive innovation, not just in the cryptocurrency space.

The cryptocurrency industry is currently growing at a healthy pace.